Recruiting Information

[Current recruitment position: OpenFOAM Engineer]

Explosion Research Institute Inc. ERI is a leading corporation in the explosion safety consulting in Japan and has been making sustainable progress over 10 years. Our mission includes experiment/simulation the explosion, speedup of the explosion simulation process, and licensing/developing the explosion simulation tools.

Currently, the computation science department of ERI is looking for several full-time engineers in the area of the explosion simulation and development of the explosion simulation tools using OpenFOAM. The role includes any or all of following: perform the explosion/combustion simulation and develop/test the new solvers for explosion/combustion using OpenFOAM. The successful candidates have the great benefits: (1) opportunity to work closely the experts in the explosion field, (2) a flex-time system that allows the employees work on their convenience and (3) the others as on our website.

  1. Bsc/Msc/Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering with focus on explosion, combustion, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and other relevant disciplines.
  2. Experience in using OpenFOAM. Experience in simulating of combustion or compressible flow is highly desired.
  3. Programming experience with one of FORTRAN/C/C++. Experience in customizing OpenFOAM and/or developing CFD/FEM code is highly preferred.
Desirable qualifications:
  1. Good knowledge in numerical methods of ODE/PDE.
  2. Good communication skill.
  3. Basic English communication.
  4. Experience in writing report for industrial partner.
  5. Experience in using CFD/CAE softwares as FLUENT, CUBIT …

If you are interested in applying for the positions, please send to us your CV including your education and employment.
Email address and phone number.
    recruit*  (please replace * by @)
   ・Headquarters:  +81-3-6803-2263
   ・Ushiku branch: +81-29-846-5682
  • 受付時間 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

    ※業務を円滑に進めるため弊社社員との電話は録音しております。予めご了承く ださい。

  • 爆発災害、数値計算、可視化などに関するご質問やご相談はこちらまで。
    受付時間 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

    ※業務を円滑に進めるため弊社社員との電話は録音しております。予めご了承く ださい。