Numerical Analysis / Acceleration

We provide a variety of services such as numerical analysis and speedup, zero-base development and more. We answer our customer’s requests to be “more faster, more precise”.
Entrusted Analysis
Various fields of analysis such as Structure Analysis, Fluid Analysis, Image Analysis are available. Since analysis is preformed using a parallel processor of up to 64 parallel rows, we are able to cover a large number of cases within a short period of time.
Program Acceleration
We will accelerate your codes by parallelisation and GPU. Languages including C/C++/Fortran are accepted. We can also provide advice for System Acceleration including Hardware Construction.
  • 受付時間 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

    ※業務を円滑に進めるため弊社社員との電話は録音しております。予めご了承く ださい。

  • 爆発災害、数値計算、可視化などに関するご質問やご相談はこちらまで。
    受付時間 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

    ※業務を円滑に進めるため弊社社員との電話は録音しております。予めご了承く ださい。